Letter Closings
- Adios,
- All best wishes,
- All best, always,
- Always in my thoughts,
- As always, with affection,
- As usual,
- As ever,
- Be good,
- Be well,
- Best Regards,
- Best wishes for your future,
- Best Wishes,
- Bye for now...,
- Cheerio,
- Cheers
- Chill,
- Cordially,
- Enjoy,
- Enthusiastically,
- Forever yours,
- God bless
- God be with you,
- Godspeed
- Good wishes, always,
- Goodbye
- Gotta boogie,
- Grace and peace,
- Have fun,
- Health & Happiness,
- Hope to hear from ya soon
- Hope all is well,
- I look forward to hearing from you soon,
- I hope to receive news from you soon,
- I'll be thinking of you,
- Just to keep in touch with you,
- Keep the faith,
- Keep smiling,
- Kind regards
- Kind Regards,
- Kind thoughts,
- Later Vader!,
- Later
- Later alligator
- Later,
- Looking forward to seeing you again,
- Lots of love,
- Love
- Many thanks,
- May the horse be with you,
- May the Force be with you,
- May I always live to serve you and your crown
- Miss ya,
- More later,
- More shortly,
- Most sincerely,
- Onward and upward
- Over & Out,
- Over and out,
- Peace, Love & Happiness,
- Peace be with you,
- Peace & Love,
- Peace out,
- Peace and Blessings,
- Peace
- Prayerfully,
- Regards,
- Rock on,
- Season's blessings,
- See ya,
- Sincerely yours,
- Sincerely
- Smell ya later
- Smiles,
- Ta ta,
- Take care
- Take good care,
- Take it easy,
- Talk to you later
- Thank you for your time and consideration,
- Thank you,
- Thank you for yor kindness and consideration,
- Thinking the best for you,
- Til then, my beloved,
- Till we meet again,
- Toodles,
- Truly,
- ttyl,
- Until we meet again,
- Until next time,
- Very truly yours,
- Waiting for you,
- Warm regards,
- Warmest greetings to all,
- Warmest Regards,
- Wishing you all the best of everything,
- Wishing you the best,
- Wishing you a safe journey,
- With confidence,
- With kind affection,
- With kindest personal regards,
- With warmth,
- With gratitude,
- With all best wishes,
- With love
- With all good wishes,
- Yearning for you,
- You're in my prayers,
- You're in my thoughts,
- Your friend,
- Yours truly
- Yours faithfully
- Yours sincerely
- Yours regardless,
- Yours 'til the cat meows,
- Yours most sincerely,
- Yours always,
- Yours ever
- Yours respectfully
- Yours,
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